EVE Cherryfield had a wonderful visit to Crumlin Garda Station on
Monday 30th June. It was the final part of the Community Garda 'Street
Wise' programme delivered in Cherryfield by Garda Gina O'Brien over the
last couple of months.
The group received their certs, got
a nice cup of tea and a tour of the station, including a fascinating
look at the interview rooms and cells. A few hardy souls got their
pictures taken in the cells.
thanks to Gardai Gina, Oonagh, Elaine, Damien, Bobby and
Superintendent Liam Carolan for a wonderful experience. We hope to
start the 'Street Wise' programme with a new group in Cherryfield very
Certs were handed out by Liam the Super and Community Garda Gina